Phang Nga Bay Weather Conditions
This is the key information to know about the different weather conditions for your visit:
High Season – Sunny, Warm and Fun
High season runs from November until April and the weather is pretty darn nice with lots of sun and temperatures of 32°C or 90 °F. It rains a lot less so more people visit to enjoy the sunshine and tour James Bond Island. The main downsides are the higher hotel prices and larger crowds.
Low Season – Rainy, Warm and Fun
Low season starts from May until October and there’s no denying that the rains increase quite a bit. However, some days have heavy downpours while other days get only a few drops. If there is a storm then tour operators will wait until the sky clears up first so just keep your schedule flexible.
Conclusion – Visit in Rainy or Sunny Season?
Any time of year is good to visit James Bond Island as long as you check the weather forecasts and plan your trip sensibly. If you’re on a budget and prefer to avoid larger crowds then rainy season is absolutely a suitable option.
Have a great time visiting James Bond Island!